American Theater Group presents “My Italy Story”
American Theater Group presents “My Italy Story”
November 1, 2 @ 7:30pm. November 2, 3 @ 2:30pm.
***Special ticket pricing from American Theater Group: All seats $30 through September 30th only***
My Italy Story by noted NJ playwright and storyteller Joe Gallo is a nostalgic exploration of family, heritage and the ties that bind us. Spurred by pleas to help reunite his fractured family, a young man quits his job as a New York account executive and travels to Vallata — the tiny Italian town of his ancestors. Not until he returns home, however, does he discover a secret that unlocks his past. Don’t miss this endearing one-man show directed by Charlotte Cohn and starring Michael Notardonado, who recently appeared in the Off-Broadway hit, Romeo and Bernadette. Joe Gallo is a four-time Moth Story Slam Winner and a finalist in the upcoming NYC Grand Slam Championship.
American Theater Group is a professional Actors Equity Association production company in residence at the Sieminski Theater.